The 21st of September every year was announced as the International Day of Peace since 1981 by the United Nations’ General Assembly. It is declared as the day to strengthen the ideal of Peace that is a foundation for communities’ stabilization. Refugees who had gone through conflicts and wars, and sought safety and peace, then took the World Peace Day as a significant day of hope for the better future. The World Refugee Day ceremony has since been cerebrated in order to remind people of the true meaning of peace. In the ceremony, experience could be transferred and shared in order to tell others how happy the world communities could be when peace is maintained.
COERR Mae Sot and refugees celebrated the World Peace Day with the participation of all NGOs and refugees in each camp of Tak Province: Ban Nu Po in Umpang District, Ban Mae La in Tha Song Yang District and Ban Umpiem in Pob Pra District. Peace and equality of people especially refugees were recognized, love among mankind were shown, reconciliation was respected as a healing tool for the suffering. Respect in others’ lives and dignity; non-violence towards women and children; unity and rights of others were also observed. In addition, the activities in all camps also included the ceremony to strengthen relationship of elderly and the younger in order to raise awareness of youth towards the elders, not only parents and grandparents but also teachers and elderly who preserved the traditional way of living and become a good model for the younger generations to follow.
Prior to the event, COERR and refugee youth groups held meeting to discuss about planning in which youth were assigned with responsibility to ensure that the activities of the Peace day would run smoothly and successfully as planned. The evaluation meeting was also held later, to have youth participated in the lessons learned discussion so that they would acquire skills in organizing and coordinating the future event.

The International Day of Peace or the World Peace Day in Ban Nupho Camp, Umpang District, Tak Province, was organized on September 21, 2017, had approximately 300 refugee participants.
The World Peace Day at Umpium Camp on September 21, 2017, under the theme “The Refugees are Praying for Peace Upon The Earth” had 350 refugee audience participating in the awareness raising activities; with the opening ceremony by NGOs representatives and religious leaders; candle lighting for peace; cultural performance by high school students; quiz contests by the Karen Women Association and SGBV; drama by the Peace Committee and Peace messages be written by participants to mark the ceremony.

The World Peace Day in Mae La Camp had the theme: “Together for peace: Safety and dignity for all” was organized on September 21, 2017, with 585 participants: 355 female and 230 male. All activities were aimed at peace building among refugee members. The opening speech was made by NGOs’ representatives and refugee leaders on significance of Peace Building and Ways to Build Peace. Religious ceremonies were performed in Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. There were singing contests for High School students; candle lighting together with praying for Peace, followed with Peace song by the Peace Committee to raise awareness of all participants in love, unity, Peace Building in all, despite their different faith, ethnic or language, and, to have younger generations carry on the peace building spirit.
